Cosmic Coin Drop

Are you the Auntie or Mama of Your Business Babe?

June 16, 2024 • Lauren Poppins Raye • Season 2 • Episode 9

👆🏻 I’m curious… do you feel the auntie or mama vibes toward your business babe?

Whether you’re the auntie or mama of your business babe makes a big diff for its development.

Like an actual baby, your business needs you to find its footing and foster its growth.

So let’s look at the metaphorical roles of auntie or mama you might be playing…

Aunties show up sporadically to give their love and soak up the connection.

Mamas are present consistently - thru every high & low - to share their love and grow together.

Now let’s make the connection to your business flow…

Aunties look at their finances occasionally - mostly during special occasions like filing their taxes.

Mamas keep an eye on their finances all the time - they are present through every cycle & season of their currency.

Whichever you lean toward makes a big difference… 

When you are only occasionally present, you don’t really know what’s going on with your money, and your relationship with it is relatively superficial and uncertain. 

When you are consistently present and tracking your business, your relationship with your money is one of depth and comfort.

Let’s be clear, this is not meant to throw shade at the aunties (they are everything in mine & my son’s life!), 

but to drive the point home that no relationship is as crucial to a developing new human than with the mother…

And just the same, any new-ish business needs its owner to show up like a mama - committed, devoted, and consistently present - so it can establish itself and start its course to success.

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫