Cosmic Coin Drop

The Magic of a Regular Money Date

June 23, 2024 • Lauren Poppins Raye • Season 2 • Episode 10

Have you ever taken the time to plan something special for you & your money? 👆🏻

Just like having a regular date night with your partner is important to nurture intimacy, your relationship with your money also needs you to show up regularly to nurture it. ❤️‍🔥

While there are certain left-brained things you’ll need to do on your dates, that doesn’t mean you can’t activate your right brain too.

Here are some things to keep in mind to make your money dates awesome (from an article on “tips for a great first date”):

🫶 Pick the right spot ~ make it somewhere that relaxes you.
🫶 Wear what feels (& looks good) ~ dress like you’ll feel at the earning level you’re calling in.
🫶 Relax ~ take a few deep breaths before you begin.
🫶 Give thoughtful compliments ~ speak gratitude for what your money make possible.
🫶 Pay attention to your body language ~ nurture a relaxed, yet powerful posture.
🫶 Go with the flow ~ if something isn’t adding up right, let yourself shift gears.
🫶 Don’t avoid difficult topics ~ if anything bubbles up while you “should” be doing a task, let it… a big part of your money dates is to move through whatever may be in the way for you.
🫶 Follow up after your date ~ plan to do it again!

Ok this was fun to write, but for real… setting aside regular time to drop in with yourself and your money, making it a ritual, and embracing it like you would a date… is such a great way to wire yourself to have:

🥰 a calm nervous system with money
🥰 clarity around where you’re at with it
🥰 a great time riding the waves with it
🥰 confidence with your relationship with it

PRO WITCHY TIP: Mondays (Moon days) are a great day to have your money date for 2 reasons – the Moon is about security and doing so will set you up for a grounded work week! 

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫