Cosmic Coin Drop

3 “Wing It” Strategies That Stop Cutting It After Saturn’s Return

June 30, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 11

I’m so curious, which of these changes did Saturn coax into you? 👆🏻

There’s a big diff between ppl under & over 30.

This generic close-to truth comes from the affect Saturn has on us when he has his way with us to transition us from youth to adulthood.

Saturn has a lot to teach us, and leaves us with a change of heart to want to show up more committed to mastering what matters to us. 

Here are 3 “wing it” strategies that stop feeling right after Saturn returns:

1️⃣ “I’ll just flow with my time so my intuition can lead”

Father time comes to remind us that time is precious & limited. If you’re committed to your success in business, it’s time to schedule your flow of time… which can totally include down time! Saturn invites you to plan, project, and prioritize. This is how we can start to master our timing.

2️⃣ “I’ll just find my way through tasks in whatever way feels right”

While reinventing the wheel every time we turn it is totally an option, it takes A LOT of mental energy to do so. This is where SOPs (standard operating procedures) come in… they are how we template our processes so they can be no brainers. SOPs can still evolve with you. And they pave the way for a well-functioning team!

3️⃣ “I’ll just figure out my numbers when I file my taxes”

Saturn wants you to get serious about your business by treating its lifeline like the pulse of your progress… because it is! Knowing your numbers is more than just a tax time task. Your money flow is full of information to help you make better choices. And staying present to your currency is how you scale!

The good news is that while Saturn brings the not-so-comfy itch to step it up, he also brings an upgrade such that getting more dialed in these ways ends up feeling really good.

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫