Cosmic Coin Drop

The 2 Stellar Spreadsheets You Need to Scale

July 07, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 12

I’m so curious, do you have either of these setup and current in your life & biz? 👆🏻

I know not everyone loves spreadsheets like I do (and I really do!) but there’s a couple non-negotiables to set a solid foundation to scale from…

1️⃣ You need one to keep track of your recurring expenses:

Before you can start to grow your profits to go bigger, you need to know and provide for whatever you are responsible for on the regular. This includes recurring expenses for your business and personal spheres. This is bedrock to any other money matter you choose to put your attention on as a business owner.

PRO TIP: I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of my regular expenses for my business, myself, and my home – so I can always know the bare minimum I need to bring in to cover them. This can all be on one spreadsheet with different tabs for easy access.

2️⃣ You also need one to keep track of basically everything else:

We’re talking SOPs (standard operating procedures). This basically serves as a table of contents for every template, resource, and task list that makes your business flow. Having everything all in one place so you don’t have to go looking for things when you need them saves SO MUCH time you can’t afford to waste in the wrong places.

PRO TIP: Besides that the organization of SOPs is a huge time saver and creates a lovely sense of cohesion, it also prepares you to be able to delegate tasks to a team, which is the path to really scaling.

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫