Cosmic Coin Drop

The 2 Spheres of Leakage: Energetic vs. Material

August 05, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 16

Having a solid container for your cauldron of currency means sealing any leaks that keep it from bubbling over into overflow.

It’s important to stay vigilant around both the energy & matter of your situation. Let’s look at both that may be sabotaging your success…

⚡ ENERGETIC leaks ~ these are beliefs that keep you from aligning with ascending abundance. These are the thoughts that circulate through your mind that lie to you about your worth & capacity. These are sneaky and come from habits of mind designed to keep you small.

Examples of energetic leaks:
💧 “I’m just not the kind of person that makes a lot of money”
💧 “I’ve always been terrible with money – and I likely always will be”
💧 “I spend everything I make because there’s never enough”

👛 MATERIAL leaks ~ these are the choices that drain your money. They are the habits themselves that sabotage you. These are the unconscious spending patterns that making it near impossible for you to get strategic and get ahead.

Examples of material leaks:
💧 subscriptions you don’t need, don’t use, or don’t even remember you have
💧 late fees and interest you have to pay for not being timely with your responsibilities
💧 paying too much in taxes because you’re not maximizing your write-offs

As a tax preparer, I saw a lot of both…

Since filing taxes is a time to take an intimate look at your money situation (the only time for some), the damning beliefs were shared like confessions.

And for those that avoid looking the rest of the year, this often meant discovering payments they didn’t know they were still making, getting charged late fees for being behind, having to setup payment plans with steep penalties & interest, and paying too much in taxes because they didn’t keep good records.

Which are more likely to slip under the radar for you – material or energetic leaks?

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫