Cosmic Coin Drop

Aligning with the Natural and Legal Codes of the Money Game

August 11, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 17

As double agents – of both material reality and the unseen realms – our self-employed success comes from aligning with both the legal and natural laws that exist here.

Consider the understanding of magic that it comes from positioning oneself in the right place / right time / right way relative to greater forces.

I love this framing of magic because it points to the truth that we are most powerful when we are aware enough of the forces we exist with to be able to align with them.

And in the case of business, there are clear natural and legal laws we exist with that require our awareness to be able to powerfully align with them.

On the natural law side of business, you are invited to align with the principles of attraction, reciprocity, and consequences.

After Saturn Returns, you are invited to better understand the natural principles of grounding, commitment, and purposeful work.

There are many angles of natural phenomena we encounter on our paths of education as humans growing businesses. This is the part that makes being a biz owner a wild ride of personal development.

And on the legal law side of business, you are required to be in compliance.

There are things you are responsible for – such as keeping regular records, filing annual tax returns, maintaining relevant licensing, etc.

Fortunately, there’s not as many of these as you might think, and once you get properly educated on the scope of them, the opportunity opens to get crafty in how you integrate them into your strategy.

This is the geeky structural part I love to support biz owners with.

Which laws do you find more challenging to align with on the regular – the natural or legal ones?

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫