Cosmic Coin Drop

What Your Revenue Wishes You Cared About

September 01, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 20

While it’s all too common to look away, there are a couple ways your revenue (income) wishes you would lean in & give a f*** so it can serve its purpose like a champ. 🏆

🫶🏼 The 1st is to welcome & celebrate it!

I had a boss once upon a time that did something really special every time he paid us… he would hand us what we had earned and then jump up & down in gratitude with us.

In a world where there is all kinds of ick attached to money, taking a moment to fill your being with appreciation when you receive it is an easy feel good way to rewire your relationship.

Pro tip: You can even send (or automate) a thank you message to the sender to share & amplify your gratitude for receiving.

👉🏼 The 2nd is to allocate & direct it.

There was a time when I lived on a prayer that what I brought in would cover what I wanted it to, but times have changed for the (way) better…

This is thanks to learning about Profit First – a revolutionary system that turns your intentions for your currency into a process that ensures everything important gets “fed.”

Your business & personal expenses, taxes, investments, savings, and most importantly to free yourself from the “paycheck to paycheck” trap of self-employment… PROFIT (to spend on whatever the f*** you want)!

Pro tip: Growth without structure is actually dysregulating to the nervous system, so starting an intentional system to send what comes in to earmarked accounts is a great idea before you blow up.

🪄 Please share: Are either of these practices in place for you?

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫