Cosmic Coin Drop

The Best Time to Start Record-Keeping & Why

September 08, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 21

The short of it is if you don’t already have a record-keeping process in place, the time to start one is NOW – but let’s go deeper…

There are 3 reasons why now is the time to start tracking your business flow:

1️⃣🕴️ - You are legally required to.

This one’s not fun to hear, nor is the reality that there are un-fun consequences if you don’t. And we’ll just leave it there.

2️⃣📈 - It’s easier at the beginning.

If the record-keeping side of your biz is an edge for you, starting while the task is easier is a great idea. You’ll pick it up faster, integrate it more seamlessly, and feel super capable. From there, you can grow with it as your business grows and things get relatively more complex.

3️⃣💪 - It nurtures a strong foundation of confidence.

You feel on top of your game when you’ve got the money side organized… period. Feeling confident makes every other thing you do more effective. Trying to excel in any other part of your business with resistance to this one is like trying to swim against the current. Not worth it.

🪄 Please share: Are you someone who (1) thought you only needed to bother with a record-keeping system setup after you’re making the big bucks, (2) already have one and feel me on these reasons why it’s worth it, or (3) don’t yet but are ready to make it happen…?

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫