Cosmic Coin Drop

What Astrology & Record-Keeping Have In Common

September 15, 2024 Lauren Poppins Raye Season 2 Episode 22

One of our evolutionary superpowers as human beings is our ability to track – through time & space – to see patterns, stories, and ways we can influence our future. 🐾

Astrology & record-keeping are both ways you can leverage the skill of tracking to step into the creator role of your life.

💫 Astrology is the best tool I know of to track the storylines of growth that weave through our time here. Dimensions of our being are reflected by the planets that make their way around the wheel… just as our respective paths progress through cycles of birth, death, and everything in between.

Key transits coincide with life events & internal shifts to connect dots of your experience that reveal epic stories of growth, climax, and transformation.

And because we are able to string stories together across linear time, we can know them. And to know them is to influence their unfolding.

🧮 Record-keeping of your business income, expenses, and expansion does something similar.

It reveals a storyline – through cycles of ups and downs – that you can follow into the future, projecting your desired aim, and make choices that will get you there.

Through tracking the unfolding of your money story, you can influence it’s direction – both energetically and materially – to grow into the earning level you fantasize about.

And when you get there, you get to envision a new level… again & again.

It all begins with tracking where you’ve been to get where you are now so you can influence where you’re heading.

🪄 Please share: What use case of tracking has leveled you up the most?

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🎙️ Brought to you by Lauren Poppins Raye – Connect on IG @laurenpoppinsraye and for deeper support to steward your boss currency flow & steer your self-employed success, check out Cosmic Currency 💫